
2018-01-10 06:01     阅读量:3818
|Bishop Barron
他给人们施洗。为什么?因为在耶路撒冷的圣殿,朝圣者要先在mikvah (仪式之浴)清洗自己,再入圣殿进贡。若翰执行着司祭的职责,约但河则是他的mikvah。但新圣殿是什么?或者更准确地说,新圣殿是谁?耶稣由加里肋亚纳匝肋来受洗于若翰。天裂开了,圣神有如鸽子,降在他上面。
Friends, on this feast of the Baptism of the Lord, let us meditate on John the Baptist. Young John, the son of the priest Zechariah, grew up in and around the Temple, acquainted with its rituals. And he sensed that the true Messiah was on the horizon. And so he went away from the old Temple, but he continued to act as a priest of a new Temple.
He was baptizing people. Why this ritual? Well, in the Jerusalem Temple, a pilgrim would cleanse himself in a mikvah, a ritual bath, before he entered to make sacrifice. John was acting as a priest, and the River Jordan was his mikvah. But what—or, better, who—was the new Temple? Jesus who came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John. The heavens were torn open and the Spirit, like a dove, descended on him.
This is Temple talk. When the high priest entered into the holy of holies, he was entering into the heavenly realm. The holy of holies was the place where the "heavens were torn open" and a humble human being could enter. So the point is that Jesus is himself the new holy of holies.
Friends, today’s Gospel finds Jesus encountering a man with an unclean spirit in the synagogue at Capernaum. Isn’t it interesting that the first unclean spirit that Jesus confronts is in the holy place, the place of worship? And what marks this man? Though he is a single person, an individual, he speaks in the plural: "What do you have to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us?"
The diabolic is, literally, a scattering power: diabalein. Sin separates us from one another—Sunde, related to sundering—but it also divides us interiorly, setting one part of the self against another. We’ve all experienced this: our minds are divided, our wills are split, and our emotions militate against our deepest convictions.
The authoritative voice of Jesus brings the man back to himself. And friends, this is precisely the effect that Jesus’ voice has had up and down the ages. When you allow his word to reach deep down within you, you get knitted back together. When Jesus becomes the clear center of your life, then your mind, your will, your emotions, your private life, your public life—all of it—finds its harmonious place around that center.
